Why digital clutter is so overwhelming

When you think of clutter, you probably think of having too many clothes in the closet or a load of old papers on your desk, and while yes, this still exists, there’s a new type of clutter to deal with - digital clutter.
Our lives are becoming more and more digital, and it’s hard to escape from that. And even though it’s not tangible, and it’s not 3D, it’s still hugely overwhelming.
But what is the reason for this, and what can we do to change things? That’s what we’re here to figure out.
What is digital clutter?
So what exactly is digital clutter? Digital clutter includes:
- Emails
- Text messages
- Documents
- Applications
- Notifications
- Photos
- Your desktop
The list goes on.
Ultimately, digital clutter is constant and it can feel never-ending. And while you might think that digital clutter is just a normal part of life now, it can lead to some issues, such as:
- Being unable to focus, with your mind preoccupied with incoming notifications and messages, or having to wade through the piles of information that keep coming your way.
- It can make you feel stressed. Dealing with constant digital clutter can feel overwhelming, and leave you unsure of where to even start bringing it under control.
- The constant distractions can make it difficult to manage your time or even feel productive. You might rely on tech to do your job, to get around, and even to socialize, so it can be extra tough to get what you need done when you’re dealing with digital clutter.
Why is digital clutter so overwhelming?
Digital clutter can have a bigger impact than you might realize, but why is this?
The scale is huge
If you think of everything from the list above, you soon start to realize the scale of digital clutter and why it’s so overwhelming. Even if you’re on top of one area of your digital life, you might not be on top of everything. Maybe it’s ok to not understand the scale of it, accepting this could make it easier to handle.
It’s difficult to know what’s important and what’s not
Do you ever experience the ‘fear of deleting?’ Just like you might be reluctant to get rid of a dress you no longer wear ‘in case it comes back into fashion’, you might be afraid to delete a file or an email in case you need it one day.
It keeps growing
Unlike your physical clutter, your digital clutter can grow quickly. Every day brings dozens if not hundreds of new communications, which can feel difficult to manage. Even the most organized of people can find it tough to keep up with these constant communications.
New developments add new things to the mix
Just when you think you’ve got used to everything there is with your digital life, something else comes along. There’s always a new app, a new way of communicating (remember when video calling really took off during COVID?), and that can make it difficult to keep up.
What you can do to move forward
We’ve taken a closer look at digital clutter, what it is and how it can feel overwhelming, and now I’m going to talk about what you can do to move past it. Here are some useful tips to help you take a new approach to managing your digital clutter:
Make time to declutter
Just like you’d take the time to declutter your closet, you need to make some time for a digital declutter. Put it in your schedule regularly to help you keep on top of things.
Focus on one thing at a time
If you try to declutter everything at once, you’ll find yourself even more overwhelmed than you already are. Pick one area to declutter, whether it’s your emails, photos, or organizing your files, and go through each thing in turn. Rome wasn’t built in a day so it’s ok to take your time.
Can you become better at organizing your digital life? Learn how to organize your files, so they become easier to manage. From filtering your emails to sorting your documents into folders, there are different ways you can organize your digital clutter.
Delete often
One of the simplest ways to keep on top of your digital clutter is to delete often. This will keep your storage down, stop you from having too many files and messages to deal with, and help you get your focus back.